Kids and Youth
UCC offers a wide range of youth ministry activities – keep reading to find out more and get connected!
Children & Youth during Sunday Worship Services
At United Community Church we gather for Sunday Worship Services at two locations in two congregations. Our morning service is at 10:30 in Matinkylä, Espoo, and our evening service starts at 16:00 in downtown Helsinki.
Our Espoo worship service has a vibrant kids’ & youth ministry for children aged 3 through till 18, and we look forward to welcoming you and your family into it. Visitors are always welcome!
Keep scrolling or use the links above to navigate to more details.
Our Helsinki worship service offers both a nursery space with a live audio stream option for parents with small children (fourth floor / balcony) as well as one Sunday school class for all children aged 3+ who don’t need parental supervision (second floor / coffee fellowship space).
Sunday School at UCC Espoo
For all Sunday school classes in Espoo, the children remain with their parents in the service until they are prayed for and sent to their classes. Please do not send your children unattended to the classrooms prior to them being sent in the service; and please remember to check your children in for the appropriate class. All Sunday school students must be checked in!
Sunday School class for 3-4 year-olds
There is a Sunday school class for 3-4 year-olds conducted in English with Finnish translation. The focus of the class is to help children to become more familiarized with the Bible stories through story telling, crafts, and games. Sometimes we ask a parent to attend with their child if the child needs help in assimilating into the group.
Sunday School class for 5 yr-olds to Preschool (Eskari)
For 5 year olds and Preschoolers, we continue to encourage age appropriate familiarization with the Bible stories while trying also to show how these stories connect to the bigger picture/story of the Bible as well. Classes are conducted in English with Finnish translation.
Sunday School class for 1st to 2nd grade
For 1st and 2nd graders we continue to encourage age appropriate familiarization with the Bible stories while trying also to show how these stories connect to the bigger picture/story of the Bible as well. The curriculum, Gospel Project, also encourages children to think about how what they are learning applies to their lives. Classes are conducted in English with Finnish translation.
Sunday School for Kids (3rd-6th grade)
For 3rd to 6th graders we want to encourage the children to build on their familiarization with the Bible stories and the big picture/story of the Bible with age appropriate discussion on the subject taught. The curriculum, Explore the Bible, also encourages children to think about how what they are learning applies to their lives. Classes are conducted in English with Finnish translation.
Sunday for Teen Youth Group (Grades 7 and up, ages 13-18)
We offer a Sunday class for teens in grades 7 and up on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. Teens are currently working through the Jesus Studies by YM360. Classes and discussion take place in English.
On the first Sunday of the month, UCC celebrates the Lord’s Supper and all teens who are believers are invited to take part. On the third Sunday of each month, teens are invited to participate in our volunteer teams – contact pastor Gabe for more details!
Youth Meetings
(Kids Group) Grades 3-6
Kids in grades 3-6 (formerly HangOut) is UCC’s bi-weekly Friday night ministry to children in grades 3 to 6. The group’s aim is to provide children with the opportunity to continue to develop the friendships that they form on Sundays through fun and fellowship and to continue to develop their Biblical knowledge and understanding through devotional teaching.
For dates, times, and location see
With any questions, contact pastor Gabe!
Youth Group (grades 7 & up)
Youth Group (formerly TeenTime) is a weekly Friday night ministry to teens in grades 7 and up, ages 13-18. The aim of UCC Youth Group is to provide teens with the opportunity to continue to develop the friendships that they form on Sundays through fun and fellowship and to continue to develop their knowledge and understanding through Biblical teaching.
For dates, times, and location see
With any questions, contact pastor Gabe!
Stay tuned!

Get Connected
We regularly send out updates via WhatsApp to parents detailing upcoming events and ways that students can prepare for them.
To receive updates for your child/children, or with any questions, please contact pastor Gabe at +358 40 351 7778 or